Tuesday, September 17, 2024
72.2 F

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Farmers suffer great losses as heat, drought and frost hit China

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This year, China has been hit by extreme weather. Following floods and strange phenomena like blood-red sky and water, here come unusual records of high temperature and frost in northeast China.

The Poyang, the largest lake in China connected to the Yangtze river, has dried up. The lake and the bamboo jungle are at risk due to the heatwave.

The footage shows the lake’s water level has been shrinking at an alarming pace, 100 days ahead of the dry season. The creatures living in the lake are all dried up. Because the lake is the primary watering source for the locals, there could be no crops for farmers to harvest in fall and winter.

In Sichuan, the bamboo forest spontaneously ignited. According to the residents’ videos, many people attempted to douse the fire late at night. The vid’s title said the dried bamboo grove caught fire due to the heat and high temperature, and locals gave up after trying to put out the fire.

In another place in Sichuan, a resident lost all of her poultry because of a water shortage, no electric power and heat. In the video, the woman talked in tears while showing a hundred dead chickens lying on the ground. 

In contrast to the heatwave and lakes drying up, frost appeared in Mohe, Heilongjiang province in northeast China.

The video shows that ice is scattered all over the vegetables’ leaves. If the weather is not back to normal, these crops might die in a few days.

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