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‘China’s Drug’ uncovers dark secrets of mainland sports world

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Xue Yinxian, a former doctor for the Chinese national sports team fled to Germany with evidence exposing athletes’ banned substance use in national sports for many years. Yang Weidong, Xue’s eldest son, has his mother’s work diaries from that time and plans to publish a book titled “China’s Poison Drug.”

But the CCP is now coercing and putting pressure on his relatives in China to prevent the book from being published. Xue’s book is said to chronicle a large body of evidence that the CCP provided enhancing drugs to athletes, which once again has attracted attention.

The doping issue in Chinese sports has ever been mentioned. According to the author under the pen name San zhi songshu writing for Gnews, the first time San zhi songshu learned about Chinese athletes using enhancing drugs was from a reporter named Zhao Yu. Zhao wrote the article “Investigating Ma Junren” ( Ma junren – 马俊仁) and pointed out that coaches had achieved remarkable results in the 1990s because of doping.

Zhao’s article at the time exposed that Ma Junren had been feeding or injecting athletes on his team with amphetamines since 1991, and listed the unusual changes that occurred in female players, whose voices get thicker and louder, and some of them no longer menstruate.

In an article of more than 30,000 words, Zhao exposed how Ma Junren had been gradually feeding or injecting stimulant drugs to his team since 1991. Ten athletes wrote a “tears letter,” saying that Ma forced the athletes to use drugs.

Now that there is more evidence from industry insiders, the CCP is determined not to let the truth come out. In an interview with The Epoch Times on July 30, Yang Weidong recounted how family members in China were coerced and manipulated by Chinese national security forces who were trying to stop them from publishing the book.

Yang was born in 1966 and he is a Chinese artist. After his mother revealed a shady story about doping in Chinese sports, the CCP repeatedly retaliated against her. Yang and his wife help his mother flee to Germany 5 years ago.

Behind Yang’s brother’s phone calls, unusual words and actions

According to Yang, his mother’s only property is a house in Beijing. His younger brother Yang Weizhong lives in Shanghai. A director from Beijing National Security Bureau with the surname Wang visited Shanghai several times to talk to Yang Weizhong. The director was accompanied by a person from the Shanghai State Security Bureau.

Yang Weidong said: “On the afternoon of July 28, my younger brother called my mother and said that he would be at home in two weeks, but my mother did not agree. He said he was going to renovate the house. But we took this apartment in 1998 and renovated it twice while he never paid a yuan. Now why is he rushing to fix up the house?”

Yang Weidong said that this is definitely related to the General Administration of Sports and the National Security Bureau. He also believes that the motive for the call could be that his brother’s WeChat account was being monitored by the CCP, as he was investigating the cause of death of his uncle – Xue Yinxian’s younger brother.

It was reported that Xue Yinxian’s seriously ill brother was threatened by Shandong State Security agents after his surgery. In their last phone call on July 2 last year, Xue Yinxian’s brother hinted that national security agents knew about their whereabouts. He died two months later.

Yang Weidong said that as soon as his uncle stepped out of the operating room, he was threatened by the employees of the National Security Bureau in Shandong. They asked him to make the call, and warn his sister and nephew not to speak out at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. Then he passed away on September 22, 2021.

Yang Weidong said that he always suspected that his uncle must have been intimidated and threatened after the surgery, which caused added psychological pressure before his death.

According to Yang Weidong, his brother told their mother, “You can’t hold signs with Yang Weidong, you can’t give interviews to foreign media. You must not take the initiative to go out and have any press conferences.” Yang Weidong said that all of this was recorded, believing that the CCP’s purpose was to cover up the fact that his uncle was threatened before his death, and to prevent the publication of the book “China’s Poison Drug.”

Yang Weizhong also told his mother, “Your incident has touched a very high level, and (the authorities) won’t leave you alone until you die. If you die, they can kill Yang Weidong at a designated location.” Yang Weidong said that this is definitely not what Yang Weizhong meant, but that the CCP’s national security forces conveyed the message through his younger brother.

“Basically my younger brother was in Shanghai, so his attitude toward mother’s business was not to interfere. For ten years from 2007 to 2017, he was not interested in such things. If he suddenly came to (his mother’s house in Beijing) now, it must be a coercion.”

Yang Weidong said that in February this year, Yang Weizhong was forced by national security officers to phone his mother and convince her not to publish the book.

Why is the CCP afraid of “China’s poison Drug”?

Xue Yinxian, who turns 84 this year, is the first generation of sports medicine specialists after the establishment of the CCP, and served as a doctor for the CCP national team in the 1980s. Since the late 1970s, when the CCP developed state-sponsored doping, Xue became a rare overt opponent of this system.

Xue wrote 68 working diaries, which recorded a large amount of the evidence of the CCP’s sports doping policy for athletes. The forthcoming book “China’s poison Drug” includes much from those diaries.

Yang Weidong said that the CCP was afraid of the book because it is a record of his mother’s daily work for 36 years, from 1963 to 1998. When athletes on different sports teams were doping, his mother recorded the side effects, and the most detailed record is about the national gymnastics team.

He said, “The whole world is watching this book to see how China stole the gold medal.” He added, “That is hurting the whole world, people are willing to participate in the epic party of the Olympics. It (the CCP) has changed this whole nature.”

Yang said that China has formed a doping consortium, including swimming, weightlifting, and track and field team, and eventually all athletes used stimulants. And all of their coaches have used them.

He said, “This problem has been appearing since the 1980s.”

He went on, “The athletes of 20 or 30 years ago are now leaders. They are a doping interest group. Suddenly an old woman came out and said that you used to rely on this (doping). Of course it harms their interests.”

Yang also said, “We’re just saying very kindly that after you take this medicine you may get cancer in the future. For your health, it’s best to compete at your own ability.”

Regarding the motivation for publishing the book, Yang Weidong said that his father was persecuted by the CCP because he was implicated by his mother and died from an illness. He told The Epoch Times, “I had to systematically report on my father’s death. If you don’t do it for me, I’ll find a way and publish a book myself.”

Yang Weidong said that his mother was persecuted and she has been harassed since her retirement. In July 2007, his father had just had brain surgery. During his recovery in September, eight people were sent by the CCP. An argument happened. His father tried to convince them, but was elbowed and fell down. Later that year his father died.

He said, “It doesn’t matter if it was an accident (or not), but the victim was injured, and the perpetrator was free.” He added, “We are (conversely) under their house arrest. What kind of society do you say (this is)?”

Yang Weidong said that they were in Germany and have received harassing calls from the Chinese Embassy since 2019. He said they were also monitored in the refugee camp. He was photographed downtown last year and followed by international students on campus. But they are under the protection of the German government and have a free life and they are grateful. He stressed, “Our mission is to tell the world the truth: The Chinese government played an organized a premeditated fraud.”

The book “China’s poison Drug” has more than 540,000 words and 1,200 pictures. It consists of six volumes, and the first one will be published later this year.

Yang Weidong said, “Because we are currently being threatened by (the CCP), we will move out and change cities. The German police have facilitated our move for us. The book will be published after we leave.”

He said the book series will be published in Chinese, German, and English, and the Chinese version is expected to be completed before the 2024 Paris Olympics.

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