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China concealed true beginning of pandemic, new research suggests

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According to official information, the COVID-19 pandemic originated in Wuhan, China, in late 2019. Wuhan health authorities reported the first cases between December 12 and 29. On December 31, the World Health Organization (WHO) received information from China about cases of unknown pneumonia. The Huanan wholesale seafood market, identified as the primary source of the virus, was closed to the public on January 1. Since the origin of the virus, the international community has demanded that China thoroughly investigate what triggered the pandemic in the world.

However, under the rule of the Chinese Communist Party, the information provided on coronavirus infections and deaths has been unreliable; moreover, China attempted to obstruct WHO investigations within the country. In October 2022, a new independent investigation showed that the virus’s origin in China may have been earlier than the “official” date and that this would have been hidden from the world.

This research was conducted by two Americans, physician Tom McGinn and retired Colonel John Hoffman. McGinn is a senior health advisor to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Colonel John Hoffman is a senior researcher at the Food Protection and Defense Institute, whose career spans decades in the U.S. government and military.

The researchers did not believe the communist regime’s narrative about the virus’s origin—the Huanan seafood market—so they launched a study to show the other side of the facts.

They started with Customs and Border Protection databases with records of goods and products entering the United States. Then they noticed that China had long before started buying large quantities of COVID-19 inputs, such as masks and protective suits.

“You can go and look back about three years [at import data],” Col. Hoffman told The Telegraph. “This is not the normal seesaw that occurs.”

As The Telegraph reports, exports to the United States of personal protective supplies fell by 50% between August and September 2019, which caught the attention of investigators. In addition, China began buying more inputs from Europe, Australia, and the U.S. The drop in exports to the U.S. and the growing demand from China would suggest that “something” would be going on in the country; otherwise, why would China need large quantities of personal protection inputs?

Col. Hoffman contacted a representative of HCA Healthcare, one of the largest hospital networks in the United States. He noted that during September 2019, much of the ordering of PPE supplies was on hold, and several hospitals were short of supplies.

“I asked the people at HCA if this had happened recently,” Colonel Hoffman said.

“The answer was no; they couldn’t recall ever seeing so many orders on hold.”

In this regard, David Asher, a former U.S. government official who led the COVID-19 origin investigation for the Trump Administration, said, “it was a persistent increase [in Chinese purchases].” “And it was significant enough, as my colleagues at DHS [U.S. Department of Homeland Security] heard from U.S. companies that manufacture PPE and, more importantly, from U.S. hospitals that reported they could not get the normal supply of masks, gloves, gowns, and goggles.”

The “diplomacy” of the CCP’s masks

The media reported on the CCP’s mask diplomacy in an attempt to clean up its image after the spread of the pandemic and its concealment of the origin of the virus. While medical supplies of PPE were in short supply in various parts of the world, China was quick to offer PPE supplies such as masks and personal protective suits.

How had China obtained such large quantities of supplies? Although China had increased domestic production, it also launched a campaign to stockpile all PPE supplies from abroad, urging Chinese companies and associations to buy as much as possible and send it to China.

Communist state media also participated, promoting companies that complied with the regime’s request, such as the Greenland Group.

Xinhua, the regime’s news agency, reported that Greenland Group sent millions of face masks, 700,000 protective suits, and 500,000 pairs of sanitary gloves to China.

Australian media reported that all the company’s employees were forced to buy as many medical supplies as possible to send to China. This occurred in January and February 2020. “All employees, most of whom are Chinese, were asked to stock up on as many medical supplies as they could,” a company employee told The Sidney Morning Herald.

In March 2020, in the Czech Republic, the counterintelligence agency alerted the Czech government to suspicious moves by the Chinese embassy to stock up on large quantities of medical supplies. Later, the country’s Ministry of Health banned exports of health protection supplies.

In April 2020, the Czech Republic’s Senate passed a resolution for the government to procure medical supplies from within Europe, and not to rely on China.

What happened in Australia and the Czech Republic are not isolated cases. Canada, Japan, and several other countries had to take measures to limit exports of PPE supplies at a time when the world needed them most. Meanwhile, China artificially caused shortages of supplies and then redistributed them. Can “good intentions” be expected from the Chinese Communist Party in the unprecedented context of a global pandemic, where it is primarily responsible for spreading the virus?

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